Feasibility study and concept planning with integrated down stream functions

GMM has executed a comprehensive feasibility study with technical conceptualization, and investment estimations for a groundbreaking integrated plant specializing in processing animal by-products. The facility boasts a prodigious capacity of 360,000 metric tons per year, designed to produce high quality species-specific feed grade proteins and fats.

This solution is meticulously engineered to encompass essential support functions, including advanced wastewater treatment, stringent odor management, multi-source process steam generation, and innovative heat recovery systems. The infrastructure extends to include washing halls, maintenance facilities, and product warehouses.

Further enhancing the plant’s capabilities, complex augments the value chain with downstream operations such as the production of dry pet food and feed for farmed animals.

Critical operational plans have been formulated as part of this solution, encompassing quality control protocols, proactive self-monitoring frameworks, comprehensive staffing and training programs, detailed end-product specifications, thorough performance testing, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and stringent raw material oversight.

Through these meticulously crafted plans and the state-of-the-art facility, GMM sets the standard for innovative and sustainable processing solutions in the animal by-products sector.